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Data sheets

Below you’ll find data sheets for Mitec’s products. All documents are in PDF-format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to read PDF-files; click on the icon to the left and you can download the program free.

English data sheets:
it-sensors.com - Mitec measuring services
Mitec RMS31/40S Remote Measuring Station
Mitec RMS31/40M Mobile Measuring Station
Mitec Smart Cable specification for the RMS31/40 measuring stations
Logger, Mitec SatelLite50-U
Logger, Mitec SatelLite50-TK
Logger, Mitec SatelLite50-TH/E
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-E
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-T
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-TH
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-U
General terms and conditions for it-sensors.com

Swedish data sheets:
Mitec RMS31/40S Mätstaion med inbyggd kommunikation
Mitec RMS31/40M Mobil mätstation
Mitec Smart Cable specifikation för RMS31/40 mätstationer
Logger, Mitec SatelLite50-U
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-P
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-E
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-T
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-TH
Logger, Mitec SatelLite-U
Logger, Mitec SatelLite50-TH/E
Logger, Mitec SatelLite50-TK
Sensor, MU-TE100
Sensor, HMP50-U
Sensor, PD10/11
Allmänna avtalsvillkor för it-sensors.com


Mitec Instrument AB
Välsviksleden 208, SE-656 39 Karlstad, Sweden
Phone: +46 70-624 08 80
E-mail: info@mitec.se