Mitec customer cases - data logging
Dafgårds – Energy optimisation
Gunnar Dafgård AB, one of Sweden’s largest food production companies, works continuously with energy optimisation in a number of different projects. Mitec’s portable logging system is used to map energy usage in production facilities and in various process stages. Mitec’s electricity measuring case MV40-SW with AT40g datalogger is used for registration of current and voltage. An external Portaflow ultrasound meter connected to the AT40g logger is used for measuring waterborne energy.
Karlstads Bostad AB – Optimisation of electricity account
Housing organisation Karlstads Bostad AB use Mitec’s MV40-SW electricity measuring kit to check electricity consumption. They have measured fuse sizes in most of their properties, and by reallocating loads and optimising accounts have been able to generate savings of several hundred thousand kronor per year. Payoff time for the measuring equipment has been a number of weeks. |
Outokumpu Stainless AB – measurements on motors and other equipment
Outokumpu Avesta Polaroit AB uses Mitec’s dataloggers across a range of applications for analysis and optimisation of motors, systems and equipment. Regular measurements of motor currents enable motor condition to be diagnosed, and process signals, temperature etc to be registered. Significant savings are achieved by optimising operation and preventative maintenance. |
Sandvik Tamrock – test of drilling equipment
Sandvik Smith AB (Tamrock Tools) manufacture machines and equipment for rock drilling. The company’s service technicians use Mitec’s portable data loggers to make test measurements of the ground pressure of drilling aggregat as well as cleaning pressure in the bore crown. The system is specially adapted for Sandvik’s field technicians and is used in all markets for test and documentation of equipment. |
Swedish Navy – Test of gas turbines
Marine Command South fine-tune the operation of Rolls-Royce gas turbines in a number of robot boats using Mitec’s data logger AT40. Variables such as temperature and motor speed are measured and registered in the ship and the information transferred to a PC running Mitec’s analysis program WinLog for evaluation of operating conditions. |
Quintiles – Monitoring of climatic chamber in the medical industry
Quintiles is the world’s largest consulting company in the pharmaceutical branch and offers a full range of pharmaceutical development services. Mitec’s data loggers are used in the company’s laboratory in Uppsala. This system for monitoring and documentating temperatures in refrigerated and freezer cabinets is an integral component in the company’s quality system. |
ÅF-Installation AB – Logging of power, climate and heating, water and sanitation
ÅF-Installation AB use Mitec’s AT30, AT40 and SatelLite range of data loggers in conjunction with analysis of power usage, work environment, and heating, water and sanitation applications. Many types of measurements are performed and Mitec’s complete range including measuring sensors, instruments and software is influential in the company’s choice of supplier.
ÅF-Installation AB is a good example of Mitec’s many customers within the consulting industry. |